Please enter your date of birth to confirm you are an adult user of nicotine or tobacco products.


This website is intended only for users of nicotine or tobacco products who are over 18.

This website contains information about our smoke-free products and we need your age to make sure that you are an adult who would otherwise continue to smoke or use nicotine products. Our nicotine and tobacco products are not an alternative to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids. They are not risk free. They contain nicotine, which is addictive. Only for use by adults. Please visit the Important Information page of this website for further risk information.

Important information on IQOSTM and lil SOLID 2.0TM

PMI offers a variety of quality, scientifically substantiated smoke-free products that are much better choices than continued smoking. For smokers who would otherwise continue smoking, our goal is to offer smoke-free alternatives that have the potential to reduce the risk of developing smoking-related diseases as compared to continued smoking. We design these products to be appealing to current adult smokers so that they can fully switch.

  • Cigarette smoking causes serious diseases and is addictive. Without question, the best decision any smoker can make is to quit tobacco and nicotine use altogether.
  • PMI’s smoke-free products are for adults who would otherwise continue to smoke or use other nicotine products.
  • We do not offer PMI’s smoke-free products to people who have never used tobacco or nicotine products or who have quit using tobacco and nicotine products. Our smoke-free products are not an alternative to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids.
  • Minors should not use tobacco or nicotine in any form

Warnings and Safety Instructions

Tobacco and Nicotine

  • Tobacco sticks used in IQOSTM and lilTM devices contain nicotine, an addictive substance.
  • IQOSTM and lilTM are not risk free. The best choice for consumers who are concerned about the health risks of tobacco or nicotine consumption is to completely stop smoking.
  • Some consumers of nicotine products may experience abdominal pain, chest pain, choking sensation, cough, breathing difficulty, dizziness, dry mouth, dry throat, gingivitis, headache, nasal congestion, nausea, mouth irritation, palpitations, throat irritation, and vomiting.
  • Products containing nicotine should not be used by people who have or are at risk of having heart disease, who are diabetic, epileptic or experiencing seizures.
  • Products containing nicotine should not be consumed during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or think you may be pregnant, you should stop smoking and consume nicotine completely.
  • Quitting smoking or switching to IQOSTM or lilTM, and their respective tobacco sticks, or other nicotine-containing products, may require dose adjustment of certain medications (eg theophylline, clozapine, ropinirole).
  • If you have questions about using IQOS TM or lilTM due to an existing health condition, consult an healthcare professional.

Use of tobacco sticks

Use of tobacco sticks

  • IQOS 3 DUOTM or earlier versions with HEETSTM tobacco sticks,
  • IQOS ILUMATM with TEREATM tobacco sticks,
  • lil SOLID 2.0TM with FiitzTM tobacco sticks,

• Never use IQOSTM or lilTM with conventional cigarettes or similar products as this may cause injury.

• Never modify or add any substance to HEETSTM, TEREATM or FiitzTM tobacco sticks as serious injury may result.

Before using the product, all Warnings and Safety Instructions must be read. These contain important safety information about its use

Warnings and Safety Instructions for the IQOS 2.4+TM
Warnings and Safety Instructions for the IQOS 3TM
Warnings and Safety Instructions for the IQOS 3 MULTITM
Warnings and Safety Instructions for the IQOS 3 DUOTM
Warnings and Safety Instructions for the IQOS ILUMA PrimeTM
Warnings and Safety Instructions for the IQOS ILUMATM
Warnings and Safety Instructions for the IQOS ILUMA ONETM
Warnings and Safety Instructions for the lil SOLID 2.0TM

Battery Degradation

IQOSTMand lil SOLIDTM2.0 equipment, including devices, contain a lithium-ion battery. This battery is a consumable component that degrades with use and age. This is a natural process common to all Li-ion rechargeable batteries. As the battery ages, the active ingredients within the battery become less able to retain energy, resulting in a permanent decrease in the battery's maximum capacity and usable energy. In addition, the active ingredients become less effective in providing energy, resulting in a decrease in the battery's ability to provide enough energy for the electronic device's components to function. As a result, the duration of the experience may seem shorter, the number of puffs or uses on a full charge may seem less, the second consecutive use may be shorter or not at all. At the same time, some equipment features such as Auto Start or double tap on the IQOS ILUMATMdevice may not work.

A battery is a chemical system that requires certain temperature ranges during charging and discharging to function optimally and minimize capacity degradation over its lifetime. Although the equipment has a specific operating range within which it will operate, operating at the extremes of this range will degrade the battery more quickly. The equipment has custom software to control charging parameters to maximize its lifespan. These algorithms can support battery life longevity but cannot fully mitigate the normal aging mechanisms of lithium batteries. The oscillation between high and low temperature of the equipment will accelerate the natural degradation of the battery. Even when unused, batteries contain chemical systems that can degrade over time. To slow down the battery degradation process, we recommend charging the device within the recommended temperature zone, not keeping it discharged for long periods of time and using the charging cables and power adapters that come with the device as per the usage guides.

Find out more important information here.

You can find more information about IQOS products on the website or at other points of contact with the following sources:

IQOS leaves significantly less stains on teeth than conventional cigarettes.

Important information: If teeth are already stained, switching to IQOS will not invert the color of those stains.

No smoke, less smell*. IQOS has a significantly less air impact around you than cigarettes.

IQOS emits 95% less harmful chemical constituents compared to cigarettes*.

Important information: It does not necessarily equate to a 95% risk reduction. IQOS is not risk free.

IQOS emits, on average, 95% lower levels of harmful chemical constituents compared to cigarettes.*

Important information: It does not necessarily equate to a 95% risk reduction. IQOS is not risk free.

IQOS emits significantly lower levels of harmful chemical constituents compared to cigarettes*

Important information: IQOS is not risk-free.

IQOS emits, on average, 95% lower levels of harmful chemical constituents compared to cigarettes*. Based on the scientific evidence available to date, switching completely to IQOS is a better alternative than continuing to smoke.

Important information: IQOS is not risk free.


Tar is the residue left by the smoke produced by the combustion of the cigarette. IQOS ILUMA does not produce tar because it heats the tobacco instead of burning it. It produces a fundamentally different aerosol than tar and contains significantly lower levels of harmful chemical constituents.*

Important information: The absence of tar does not mean that IQOS is risk free. IQOS ILUMA contains nicotine, which creates addiction.


Cigarettes burn tobacco, which produces high levels of carbon monoxide.

IQOS ILUMA does not burn tobacco, so it produces, on average, 98% less carbon monoxide (CO) and significantly lower levels of other harmful chemical constituents compared to cigarettes.*

Important information: Not a 98% reduction in risk. Carbon monoxide is just one of the many harmful chemical constituents present in cigarette smoke. IQOS is not risk-free and contains nicotine, an addictive substance.

IQOS ILUMA produces less odor than conventional cigarettes.*

IQOS ILUMA leaves a less persistent smell in the air than cigarettes.*

No smoke, less smell*. IQOS ILUMA has a significantly less impact on the air around you than cigarettes.

Important information: IQOS is not risk-free.

IQOS ILUMA leaves significantly less stains on teeth than conventional cigarettes.

No smoke, less smell*. IQOS ILUMA has a significantly less impact on the air around you than cigarettes.

No smoke, less smell*. IQOS ILUMA has a significantly less impact on the air around you than cigarettes.

IQOS ILUMA emits 95% less harmful chemical constituents compared to cigarettes*.

Important information: It does not necessarily equate to a 95% risk reduction. IQOS ILUMA is not risk free.

IQOS ILUMA emits, on average, 95% lower levels of harmful chemical constituents compared to cigarettes.*

Important information: It does not necessarily equate to a 95% risk reduction. IQOS ILUMA is not risk free.

IQOS ILUMA emits significantly lower levels of harmful chemical constituents compared to cigarettes*

Important information: IQOS ILUMA is not risk-free.

IQOS ILUMA emits, on average, 95% lower levels of harmful chemical constituents compared to cigarettes.* Based on the scientific evidence available to date, switching completely to IQOS ILUMA is a better alternative than continuing to smoke. Important information: IQOS ILUMA is not risk free.


Tar is the residue left by the smoke produced by the combustion of the cigarette. IQOS ILUMA does not produce tar because it heats the tobacco instead of burning it. It produces a fundamentally different aerosol than tar and contains significantly lower levels of harmful chemical constituents.*

Important information: The absence of tar does not mean that IQOS is risk free. IQOS ILUMA contains nicotine, which creates addiction.


Cigarettes burn tobacco, which produces high levels of carbon monoxide.

IQOS ILUMA does not burn tobacco, so it produces, on average, 98% less carbon monoxide (CO) and significantly lower levels of other harmful chemical constituents compared to cigarettes.*

Important information: Not a 98% reduction in risk. Carbon monoxide is just one of the many harmful chemical constituents present in cigarette smoke. IQOS is not risk-free and contains nicotine, an addictive substance.

IQOS leaves significantly less stains on teeth* than conventional cigarettes.

Important information: If teeth are already stained, switching to IQOS ILUMA will not invert the color of these stains.

IQOS produces less odor than conventional cigarettes.*

IQOS leaves a less persistent smell in the air than cigarettes.*

IQOS emits, on average, 95% lower levels of harmful chemical constituents compared to cigarettes.*

Important information: It does not necessarily equate to a 95% risk reduction. IQOS ILUMA is not risk-free.

You can find more information about lil products on the website or at other points of contact with the following sources:

Lil SOLIDTM 2.0 emits significantly lower levels of harmful chemical constituents compared to cigarettes*

Important information: lil SOLIDTM 2.0 is not risk free.

Lil SOLIDTM 2.0 emits, on average, 95% lower levels of harmful chemical constituents compared to cigarettes. *

Important information: It does not necessarily equate to a 95% risk reduction. Lil SOLIDTM 2.0 is not risk free.